Sensual Autumn Cooking

By Kiele Jael

It’s no secret, we all want to be successful. Success in your business, however, hinges on more than strategies, business plans, and mindset. Leading a holistic, healthy lifestyle will dramatically increase your achievements both in and out of work.

How do we do this? Two key ingredients to living a healthy lifestyle are consistency and flow, which begin with establishing a daily routine. Key aspects to living a consistently healthy lifestyle include 30 minutes of movement, a healthy breakfast and snacks during the day, and having adequate rest.

So why is leading a healthy lifestyle imperative? Good health is largely related to success in business. According to recent statistics, 75% of top managers in the nation say that staying healthy is critical for success at the executive level.It’s all about the long game, not the short game.

Here are some tips to boost your healthy lifestyle:

Move Your Body Early

Moving your body first thing in the morning will open your senses, create more energy, and make you more limber and ready for your workday. It will sharpenyour memory, reduce your stress, and refresh you when you’re the busiest. The best time to move your body is between 6:00 and 8:00 am.

President Obama started his day off with a morning workout at 6:45 am, and Anna Wintour starts her day with 45 minutes of tennis at 5:45 am.

Eat Breakfast!

I understand, sometimes it seems like we don’t have time, even to eat. But creating time for breakfast is key to a healthy lifestyle and successful daily routine. And, according to Traditional Eastern Medicine, the hours of 9:00 to 11:00 am are the times your stomach is energetically ready to receive food to turn into energy. Skipping breakfast will throw off your body’s flow and make you foggy and lose concentration.

Snack Smarter

Having healthy snacks at arm’s length will help you focus better, not get distracted, and increase your energy levels. Healthy snacks will regulate your blood sugar, so you don’t crash. Some healthy snacks I love are fruit, a handful of brazil nuts, dates, prunes, or raisins, seed crackers, veggies and hummus.

Rest Regularly

Maintaining a regular rest schedule is extremely important. It allows our bodies the time it needs to release hormones in our bodies, digest, and do a deep clean, and rejuvenate cells to energize. Regulating your rest will allow your internal clock to wake up before your alarm does, so you rest and wake naturally. Also, adding in time or a rest midday is extremely important. Twenty minutes of resting your eyes will revitalize your mind and body to focus and get things done.

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